The Growing Crisis of NCDs

This documentary features the shocking truths about non-communicable diseases in Uganda and how they are taking the lives of a much younger population. We approach healthcare challenges differently – and that’s a good thing! Our Rose Uganda Creative Arts Team (RUCAT) is tackling the growing crisis of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in a big way with their talents in music, dance […]

Meet Our Team

Meet our dynamic Rose Uganda Team Members These young adults are doing amazing work to save lives in rural Uganda, despite the ongoing pandemic COVID-19. Their efforts in teaching mothers how to feed and care for their infants, showing persons with disabilities how to improve nutrition by fortifying porridge, and holding interactive and engaging workshops are changing the way we […]

Empowering PWDs with Healthcare Knowledge

Workshops that are truly inclusive bring smiles to disabled persons in Gweri Sub County. Beginning in early 2021, Rose Uganda PWDs Chapter began providing persons with disabilities in remote villages of Gweri Sub County a comprehensive health and nutrition program in an effort to reduce malnutrition and preventable deaths of children. Lessons include workshops on nutrition, maternal & child health, […]

It began with a story…

Over 2 years ago, a visit to a rural village in Uganda to beta test a reproductive health program, set the foundation to a revolutionary healthcare education program. The beta testing of an application program was a complete success. Why? Because the application program was easy to navigate and featured simple graphics and vocabulary that was easy to understand. *Hedhi Help is […]

Removing All Doubts

People often ask me “what was the most memorable moment during your last trip to Africa?”   Without a doubt, I will forever remember when a Deaf teenage girl, who was severely scarred on half of her head, knelt down before me in gratitude to receive two of our volunteer made, washable sanitary pads. We all have experienced those moments […]

Keeping Girls in School Every day. Period.

February 25, 2016 In January our package finally arrived – a bit tattered but in one piece. Excitement filled the air as the girls waited impatiently to see the contents of this mysterious package from America. The girls squealed with delight as their teacher, Parchibell Feka, opened the box to reveal over a dozen dignity kits containing washable sanitary pads, panties, and a bar of […]

The Forgotten

Her name is Dorika and she is 6. When Dorika’s mother was 3 months pregnant, Congolese rebels raped her and then raped her again when she was 8 months along. Forced to flee into Uganda, she delivered little Dorika in the jungle and was on the run for several months.  By the time Dorika received medical attention she was 5 […]

A new beginning

Meet Nairah. She is a 25 year old single mother of a 2 year old little boy. She was married previously to an abusive man who denied her the opportunity to continue her education after form 6 despite having earned a scholarship that would pay for her classes. She earns a meager income by selling fried potato chips on the […]

Tell a story and save a life

Children are dying for lack of healthcare knowledge Over 2.9 million Sub Saharan children die every year before they reach the age of 5. Thirty-six percent of those deaths were a result of pneumonia, malaria and diarrhea which could have been prevented. Most rural villagers have little or no education, are illiterate and have limited knowledge about diseases. Based upon […]

Can you imagine losing your hearing as a child?

This is the story of our colleague, Kiggala Nalubwama Mastulah, a Ugandan woman that is now Executive Director of Uganda Federation of the Hard of Hearing. At the young age of 10, Mastulah lost her hearing, which changed her life forever. However difficult it may be for a girl to grow up in Africa, it doesn’t compare to the sufferings […]