800+Million Disabled Women Need Our Voice!

Did you know that 1 out of 5 women in the world have some form of disability?  With a global population of 8.1 Billion, that amounts to a staggering 800 million disabled women that suffer abuse, discrimination and stigma due to their gender and disability! At the very recent CSW68, our panel presented not only about the multiple problems that plague rural […]

Healthy for Life is a Huge Success!

These young mothers were once school dropouts and are now proud to be a community healthcare educator! Sixty-one young women gave moving testimony last Tuesday as they recounted over and over again how their lives have changed thanks to Rose Academies-Uganda’s Healthy for Life Program. Healthy for Life was grant funded by AstraZeneca’s Step Up Youth Programme to address the […]

It began with a story…

Over 2 years ago, a visit to a rural village in Uganda to beta test a reproductive health program, set the foundation to a revolutionary healthcare education program. The beta testing of an application program was a complete success. Why? Because the application program was easy to navigate and featured simple graphics and vocabulary that was easy to understand. *Hedhi Help is […]

Keeping Girls in School Every day. Period.

February 25, 2016 In January our package finally arrived – a bit tattered but in one piece. Excitement filled the air as the girls waited impatiently to see the contents of this mysterious package from America. The girls squealed with delight as their teacher, Parchibell Feka, opened the box to reveal over a dozen dignity kits containing washable sanitary pads, panties, and a bar of […]