Tell a story and save a life
Children are dying for lack of healthcare knowledge
Over 2.9 million Sub Saharan children die every year before they reach the age of 5. Thirty-six percent of those deaths were a result of pneumonia, malaria and diarrhea which could have been prevented.
Most rural villagers have little or no education, are illiterate and have limited knowledge about diseases. Based upon our success with Hedhi Help, we chose to implement the same approach in creating disease prevention guidebooks for the illiterate rural woman.
In collaboration with Texas A & M University, students of the School of Public Health have created a number of disease prevention booklets that emphasize the importance of treating diseases to avoid life altering consequences. These storybooks will be added to our collection of applications that operate on an Android tablet and will be used by our local educators to teach villagers about these vicious diseases. We intend to lower mortality rates simply by telling stories – stories that will save thousands of lives.