Join us CSW69!

Join us CSW69!

According to the World Bank, 1 out of 5 women in the world have some form of disability. With a global population of 4 Billion, that amounts to a staggering 800 million disabled women that suffer abuse, discrimination and stigma due to their gender and disability!

Despite the historic 1995 Beijing Platform for Action that laid the groundwork for gender equality, we have consistently left disabled women far behind in our race to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.  

Our belief in the power of collaboration is proving that working together is the means for creating positive global change. As a result, women are being empowered with knowledge about feminine/family health, nutrition, disease prevention and vocational skills as they reach their full potential in life. Discover how the power of collaboration is empowering the world’s most oppressed women and girls to reach their full potential.

  • Theme: Empowering Women to Reach Their Full Potential
  • Location:     UN Church Center,  10th floor, 777 United Nations Plaza, NY, NY 10017
  • Date:             March 11, 2025
  • Time:            12:30 – 2:00 PM EDT
  • Reserve your spot: https://dont-forget-us.eventbrite.com

Meet our Panelists

Our panelists represent a wide diversity of disciplines and advocacy and will share how their efforts are contributing to the success of our programs. You will hear how Rose Academies has developed a solutions based program that is tackling head on the critical areas of concern as presented in the Beijing Platform for Action.

  • Moderator: Susan Stasi, CEO, Rose Academies
  • Co Moderator (Zoom): Carol Buchser, Secretary/Treasurer, Rose Academies
  • Mandy Sanghera, OBE, Officer of the Order of the British
  • Silvia Figueira, PhD, Santa Clara University, Chair Computer Sciences & Engineering
  • Jerome Elam, CEO, Trafficking in America Taskforce
  • As’ad Ansari, MPH, Texas A&M University, School of Public Health
  • Kazim Gazi, MPH, Texas A&M University, School of Public Health

See you all on March 11th CSW69!