The Growing Crisis of NCDs
This documentary features the shocking truths about non-communicable diseases in Uganda and how they are taking the lives of a much younger population.
We approach healthcare challenges differently – and that’s a good thing!
Our Rose Uganda Creative Arts Team (RUCAT) is tackling the growing crisis of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in a big way with their talents in music, dance and the arts. NCDs are responsible for 36% of all deaths in Uganda and are likely to increase if deliberate action is not taken.

Thanks to the grant funding from AstraZeneca’s Young Health Programme, we are building up enthusiastic support of our campaign to #ACTonNCDs with students from Alliance Secondary School and Golden High School as they create poetry and drama skits that drive home the severity of addiction. Our objective is to educate youth on the harmful effects of alcoholic drinking so they will live a healthy adult life.