Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Don’t forget us!  We are important too!

800 million oppressed and disabled women have been left behind for far too long! Despite the historic 1995 Beijing Platform for Action that laid the groundwork for gender equality, we have consistently left disabled women far behind in our race to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Join us at CSW69 and hear how Rose Academies and partners have developed solutions based programs that are empowering the world’s most vulnerable, oppressed and disabled women to reach their full potential!

Our panel event is scheduled for March 11, 2025;12:30PM – 2:00PM, EDT. The location is at UN Church Center 10th floor; 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017 (Please note that the US time will change from Daylight Savings to Standard Time on Sunday, March 9th)

Meet our Panelists:

  • Moderator: Susan Stasi, CEO, Rose Academies
  • Co Moderator (Zoom): Carol Buchser, Secretary/Treasurer, Rose Academies
  • Mandy Sanghera, OBE, Officer of the Order of the British
  • Silvia Figueira, PhD, Santa Clara University, Chair Computer Sciences & Engineering
  • Jerome Elam, CEO, Trafficking in America Taskforce
  • As’ad Ansari, MPH, Texas A&M University, School of Public Health
  • Kazim Gazi, MPH, Texas A&M University, School of Public Health