The Power of Collaboration

The Power of Collaboration

Working together to solve the world’s most pressing healthcare problems.

Since 2019, Rose Academies and Texas A&M School of Public Health have been working together in the development of community service programs, research studies and global health projects that address the disparities of health in rural poor populations.

Community Service Programs

Our current community service projects include a video contest on STI awareness and the development of a Kids That Care Club at one of the local high schools in Brazos County. Find out more about these projects and how you can bring these community service projects into your own school.

Practicum Research Studies

Since 2022, Rose has worked with over 50 graduate students to achieve their upper grad degrees. Our practicum projects range from local studies to global health research. Each semester the practicum projects change as we build on the research to solve glaring health issues that are affecting rural poor populations around the world.