Menstrual Hygiene (MHM)
Today there are 54.4 million Sub Saharan girls out of school, primarily due to the onset of puberty, cultural traditions and extreme poverty. Girls are raised without any knowledge of menstruation, menstrual hygiene, or sexual development. When a girl begins to menstruate, she is considered a full grown woman. Child marriage is the norm and 1 in 10 girls will get pregnant by the time they are 15 years old.
Sustainable Solutions
Living on less than $2.00/day. Women and girls are so impoverished that they are unable to afford disposable pads so they resort to rags, paper, bits of mattress, and other unsanitary materials.
For years we have been teaching women and youth how to make their own pads. We offer sustainable solutions so that women and girls can be self-sufficient, and menstruate with dignity. Our philosophy is to teach what they don’t know so that the learning continues long after we are gone.

Over the last few years, our reusable pad production workshops have been highly successful. Thousands of women and youth are now self-sufficient in managing their menses and menstruate with dignity.
We don’t sell pads, or supply disposable pads that add to the pollution, rather we teach sustainable solutions.