Fund A Fellow

What does it mean to be a fellow?
Our fellowship is a group of young Ugandan adults that are dedicated and commited to improving healthcare access for the rural poor. Our team of fellows work in 4 major districts within Uganda: Buikwe, Kanungu, Soroti and Wakiso. They bring healthcare and nutrition knowledge into 10 local clinics and 100+ rural villages.
Our fellowship program is beneficial in multiple ways:
1) we provide support to overworked village health workers, 2) teach families about neonatal and family health, menstrual health & hygiene, how to make reusable pads, disease prevention, WASH, and more 3) give practical workshops on nutrition and how to fortify porridge in efforts to reduce malnutrition, 4) show villagers how to develop raised bed vegetable gardens that conserve water in drought affected areas, 5) improve healthcare education access by taking the classroom into the village and 6) we empower young adults to become community leaders.
Your contribution, no matter how much, helps us to continue bringing healthcare information to the impoverished, oppressed rural poor in Uganda.
As we are a 501(c)3 charitable organization, your contribution is tax deductible. We are extremely grateful for your financial support. FEIN #47-1655454
#SharingKnowledge #SavingLives